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Annual Milad


International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day is celebrated every year on 21st February. The main purpose of celebrating this day is to promote the awareness of language and cultural diversity all across the world. Death of four protestors Rafiq, Jabber,Barkat & Salam of the University of Dhaka who were shot by ... view Detals


Aliquam mattis, erat ac varius pharetra, arcu eros elementum nibh, quis molestie arcu ligula eu elit

Cras blandit pellentesque egestas. In venenatis, lacus ut egestas cursus, elit sem bibendum nulla, at ultricies mauris mi in turpis. Curabitur non ornare lorem. Nullam euismod placerat purus, at laoreet lacus imperdiet in. Proin et neque ac libero suscipit accumsan in quis turpis. In at egestas nisl, ut rhoncus ... view Detals